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About OC Youth Tri

This is a new club, starting in January 2024. The purpose is to give exposure and opportunity to young people who may be interested in triathlon.

Triathlon can be an expensive sport, but one of the goals of the club is to get you a taste of it with little money invested.

We have weekly coached swim and run practices which will eventually have a bike component as well. You will get a training program tailored to whichever race you want to do. Racing is not required either as you can just get in shape and learn the sport through the club, but racing is the best part.

Coach Eric Henninger

I am the founder of this club and, for now, the only coach. I got interested in triathlon at a young age, but other than seeing the Ironman on TV there wasn't much information about it. I was able to get enough information to do my first triathlon right after my senior year of high school in 1995. I was hooked.

I have been doing triathlon ever since. Although I missed a couple years initially, I have done at least one race every year since 2000.

My swimming and coaching experience is extensive. I have been a high school swim coach since 1998. For 8 years I taught swimming lessons and for another 8 I taught kids to be junior lifeguards which included a lot of ocean swimming and running. I also spent 7 years as a triathlon coach with Team in Training.