We are a triathlon club dedicated to getting youth athletes in Orange County started in the world of triathlon.

person swimming on an olympic pool
person swimming on an olympic pool

Primary Disciplines


Most kids (and people in general) don't have the type of swimming experience needed to do a triathlon. For this reason, this is the discipline that will get the most coaching. There will be a weekly swim practice in Garden Grove where you will receive coaching on your technique and training to get you comfortable with the distance needed.

gray and black road bike
gray and black road bike


The bike is the biggest limiter for many people because of the cost. But, we have three options -

  • Option One is to not bike at all and do a swim-run (see "Multisport" below) to get started and we can work together to get a bike for later.

  • Option 2 is for you to get a bike. I'll be happy to help advise you on how to go about that.

  • Option 3 is to let me try and work this out for you. I've been thinking about this for a while as I've planned and I'm hopeful I can get you into something.

person wearing blue and white sneakers
person wearing blue and white sneakers


Luckily you don't need much to run. We will do running workouts regularly, and during those workouts you will get coaching on your run technique to make you more efficient. This is also something you can easily do on your own, which makes it a method of training that you can do often.

How Long is a Triathlon?

When a lot of people think of triathlon they think of the Ironman. But, there are many other distance besides that. Here are the main ones -

Sprint - 300-500 yard swim, 8-12 mile bike, 3 mile run (distances vary a lot)
Olympic - 1500 meter swim, 40 kilometer bike, 10 kilometer run
70.3 - 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run
Ironman - 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run

For this club, and youth triathlon in general, the focus is on the sprint distance.

two men running on field with people on side cheering for them
two men running on field with people on side cheering for them

Other Things

Triathlon is the most popular form of multisport, but it's relevant to know that multisport is more than triathlon. Multisport is any two or more sports put together. In recent years triathlon events have begun offering all kinds of combinations of disciplines and now there are other events available at most races. There is aquathlon (swim-run), aquabike (swim-bike), and duathlon (run-bike-run).

The point is that you don't have to begin with swim-bike-run to get into multisport. If all you can do to start is swim and run, we can still get you started on the road to racing multisport.

man riding bicycle on street
man riding bicycle on street

Transitioning from one sport to the next is a discipline in itself and requires practice. This will be a core part of our training throughout so that it'll come very naturally on race day.

a group of people standing next to a bunch of bikes
a group of people standing next to a bunch of bikes
Race Simulations

Racing is what we're preparing to do (although you don't have to sign up for a race right away). We will do several race simulations in the build up to your race, or if you're not racing you can still participate and gain experience in the sport. Racing is very fun and is an integral part of our training.

man in black and white long sleeve shirt smoking cigarette
man in black and white long sleeve shirt smoking cigarette
Be Part of a Team

Anybody can get out there and swim, bike, and run on their own; but you have the opportunity to be part of a team. You will push and learn from each other and you'll always have each others' support.


How you eat both in preparation for and during training and racing is important. You will learn a lot about calories, carbohydrates, protein, fat, and other aspects of nutrition that will benefit you in many other aspects of your life.

What You Will Get

  • Training Schedule with workout specifics for workouts you will do on your own

  • Weekly coached practice where you will work on swimming and running and hopefully biking as well

  • Race simulations where we will have a second coached workout where we put all three (or two if that's your focus) disciplines together

  • A USA Triathlon membership

  • A very supportive coach

  • A team to be part of

What Will You Need?

Well, it may sound crazy, but just yourself to start. We'll take it from there. But, there are some things that will help you, and they are detailed below.

Swim: Swimsuit, goggles

Bike: Bike, helmet, bike shoes, bike computer

Run: Shoes

But, to get started you don't need anything. A goal of this club is to work with you to help you get all the things you need. And, since bikes are expensive, a goal of the club is to get a stock of bikes which can be lent out for training and races.

What Will it Cost?

To begin, there will only be a recommended monthly fee of $40. This is not required. There are costs to run this, but I also wish to provide an opportunity for everyone to try it out without too large of a commitment and I also want it to be available to those who cannot afford it.

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